A "Radical" Life
Striving to live a life less-ordinary.


November 17th
Wednesday, 6:42 p.m.

Some days, God is hard to see. Others, He's quite obvious. Today, He was obvious.

9 hours. Beautiful scenery. My Bible. My bike. A good book. Coffee.

This was my day.

Early this morning, I drove out to Palmetto Bluff here for a much-needed spiritual retreat. Most of my day was spent in silence. Just thinking and talking honestly with God. Listening. Reading Scripture. Absorbing creation.

I could think more clearly than I had in quite some time. It didn't take as long as usual to feel at peace again, something I was most grateful for because it meant I could thoroughly enjoy the rest of the day.

I think God was easier to see today because I made Him the priority. No technology got in my way. The day was blocked out for HIM. Oh, that more people would do this!

I am simply blown away by God's generosity in my life. He spoils me rotten. I am at peace again, the way I should always be...

Jeremiah Smith

Jeremiah Smith


I'm striving to live a life less-ordinary. As followers of Christ our lives should not look like everybody elses. We should be more giving, more loving, more passionate, more sure, more...radical. But we're not. We blend in and desperately want to fit in. This blog is my journey toward to a "radical" life that doesn't look like the rest of the world.


My photo
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
A Hoosier, a Buckeye and two Rwandans out on a mission to serve the world. Missionaries for Rwanda through AFRICA NEW LIFE MINISTRIES. We are entirely donor-supported, so if you'd like to partner with us through prayer or finances, we would LOVE to set up a time to chat!