A "Radical" Life
Striving to live a life less-ordinary.


Monday, Nov 13
10:15 a.m.

It is impossible for mere words to adequately express how I feel. Friday morning, Erin and I finally received our long-awaited "Letter of non-objection" from the Ministry in Rwanda!!!!!!

Everyone has been SO kind about it all and are truly excited for us, but most don't realize just how momentous of an occasion this was. And since this is published online and not a true personal journal, I can't divulge into ALL the details of what truly make it remarkable, but suffice it to say that if there was ANY doubt that God had called us to adopt from Rwanda, it's gone.

God has cleared the path in a way that only God could do. What a rush to step out in faith to do something that will absolutely fail if God is not behind it!!! Oh, how I wish more people would do that! Too many Christians are missing out.

For the first time in the 19 months that we've been on this journey, we feel like we can exhale. We can let ourselves be excited. And, man I have I been excited! I seriously can't sleep at night because I have a bagillion thoughts running through my noggin. I feel like little kid on Christmas Eve who can't sleep because they're thinking about all the presents under the tree.

And that's exactly what these kids are. Presents. Gifts from God. You may call it "blessed" - I call it spoiled.

And I know it's going to be harder than anything I've ever done and that it comes with enormous responsibility. But we're praying desperately that we never forget why we began this journey in the first place. These are kids who have no family. Who need a home. Who need a mom and a dad to guide them, and love them, and care for them, and teach them about life and God.

In the meantime, I need to pick up some Melatonin to help me sleep...

Jeremiah Smith

Jeremiah Smith


I'm striving to live a life less-ordinary. As followers of Christ our lives should not look like everybody elses. We should be more giving, more loving, more passionate, more sure, more...radical. But we're not. We blend in and desperately want to fit in. This blog is my journey toward to a "radical" life that doesn't look like the rest of the world.


My photo
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
A Hoosier, a Buckeye and two Rwandans out on a mission to serve the world. Missionaries for Rwanda through AFRICA NEW LIFE MINISTRIES. We are entirely donor-supported, so if you'd like to partner with us through prayer or finances, we would LOVE to set up a time to chat!