A "Radical" Life
Striving to live a life less-ordinary.

jealous of grandma

For the past 3 days, my grandma Soucie has been hanging out with Jesus. Seriously. That's crazy awesome. I know that to many of you it may sound entirely cliche to say "She's in a better place now," but it's true nonetheless. And I'm jealous.

People fear death. And for good reason if they don't know Christ. But for those of us who have put our hope in Jesus, it's actually the most exciting thing that could ever happen to us! I know that some of you reading this (yes, even some Christians), feel deep down inside that this is really just something people say to cope with the death of a loved one. And I get why people feel that way, because it sounds way too good to be true.

But it is true.

As I sat at the funeral today and saw my grandma's body laying there in the casket, I was honestly just so excited for her. She doesn't have to deal with that old body any more that's given her so much trouble for so many years. I'm sure she looked back and snorted and said "good riddance!" followed by her signature chuckle.

And then she turned around and saw Jesus. Finally.

She's 3 days into an eternity in the presence of her Creator. I guarantee she's not worried about her hair being just right any more or her clothes and make-up and jewelry all matching. No more dialysis. No more sorrow. No more pain. Just Jesus.

Jeremiah Smith

Jeremiah Smith


I'm striving to live a life less-ordinary. As followers of Christ our lives should not look like everybody elses. We should be more giving, more loving, more passionate, more sure, more...radical. But we're not. We blend in and desperately want to fit in. This blog is my journey toward to a "radical" life that doesn't look like the rest of the world.


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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
A Hoosier, a Buckeye and two Rwandans out on a mission to serve the world. Missionaries for Rwanda through AFRICA NEW LIFE MINISTRIES. We are entirely donor-supported, so if you'd like to partner with us through prayer or finances, we would LOVE to set up a time to chat!